The Synodikon of Orthodoxy 2021

By pr. Matei Vulcănescu -
3 years ago

  1. Arius, the first fighter against God: Anathema!
  2. Wulfila the semi-Arian, Nestorius, Macedonius who say that Trinity suffered and Ualentin: Anathema!
  3. Gnafens Peter, who said: “Holy immortal whom has been crucified for us”: Anathema!
  4. Paul of Samosata and Teodotion: Anathema!
  5. Petros Dileos called Liko Peter, Eutychian and Sabellius: Anathema!
  6. Jacob the Armenian, Dioscorus of Alexandria and Severus, Sergius, Paul and Pyrrhus, with Sergius’ the
    disciple of Peter Liko: Anathema!
  7. Origenists and those along with them: Anathema!
  8. The fallen and the anticanonical patriarchs denying the Fourth Ecumenical Synod, Karekin II of Armenia,
    Theodoros II of Egypt, the Coptic Patriarch, Paul of Ethiopia, Ignatius Ephrem II of the Syrian-Jacobites,
    Baselios Thomas of the Malabarians – Indians, who mistakenly call themselves “orthodox” and those who
    are in communion with them: Anathema!
  9. Those who deny the Holy Ecumenical Synods, IV, V and VI, monophysites, monothelites and
    monenergists: Anathema!
  10. Eutychianizers, Jacobites and Argiburites: Anathema!
  11. The frightening assembly against the venerable icons: Anathema!
  12. Those who deny the Holy VII Ecumenical Council, those who do not worship our Lord Jesus Christ, in
    the icon depicted after His human nature: Anathema!
  13. Barlaam of Kalabria, Gregory Achindin, Prochoros of Kidoniei, Nikifor Grigoras, Gherghios Lapithis and
    their successors: Anathema!
  14. Those who teach the neo-Varlaamist heresy; which teach that the Grace of God is created instead of
    uncreated: Anathema!
  15. The blasphemer of Christ, Francis of Assisi with all the papists’ liar-saints: Anathema!
  16. The baseless heresiarch Pope Francis I of the old Rome, who has fallen according to the Canons, and
    those who are in communion with him: Anathema!
  17. Those who teach that the Orthodox Church is a “sister Church” of the Roman-Catholic congregation and
    other heresies: Anathema!
  18. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwigli, Henry VIII, the ungodliness king, and those assembled together
    with them and all branches of the Protestants: Anathema!
  19. The heresiarch of the religious congregation of Anglicanism, Justin Welby, and those who are in
    communion with him: Anathema!
  20. Those who deny and defame the Mother of God, the Trinity one in essence and undivided, rabbis of
    Judaism, Islamists and members of the “Watchtower” society of Jehovah’s pseudo-Witnesses: Anathema!
  21. Those who defame the sacraments of the Church; Baptists, Adventists and Pentecostalists and all
    branches of the neo-protestant congregations: Anathema!
  22. To those who preach and teach inter-Christian ecumenism and inter-religious pan-heresy: Anathema!
  23. Those who preach and teach the post-patristic and post-canonical heresy, who say that the teachings
    of the Fathers are obsolete: Anathema!
  24. Those who deny the Eighth and Ninth Ecumenical Councils, from the time of St. Photios the Great and
    St. Gregory Palamas, Papal-Filioquists: Anathema!
  25. The so-called “World Council of Churches” (of heresies) which teaches that each Protestant branch is
    part of the Church of Christ and those who take part in common prayers in the blasphemy and transgression
    of the Canons, the so-called” Week of Prayer for Christian unity in January” considering the heretics as
    “brothers in Christ” Anathema!
  26. The Toronto Declaration (1950), the Agreements of Balamand (1993) and Chambesy (1994) in which
    anti-Chalcedonians falsely recognized as orthodox, and the texts from Porto Alegre (1997) and Busan
    (2013): Anathema!
  27. Those who teach that the Church includes all confessions that have departed from Her as “deficient
    churches” and those who say that there are Holy Sacraments, saving Grace and holiness outside the
    Orthodox Church, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic: Anathema!
  28. Those who teach that the Ecumenical Patriarch is “primus sine paribus” i.e. the first without equals:
  29. The heretical texts of the ecumenist pseudo-synod of Crete in June 2016, called “Holy and Great Council
    of the Orthodox Church” and those who receive them and put them into practice, texts which:
  • Enshrine the so-called “restoration of Christian unity” and the historical name of churches for heretics;
  • Enshrine the so-called “World Council of Churches” as a basis for dialogue with heretics – dogmatic
    -Enshrine the Toronto Declaration, which states that there are members of the church outside the walls of the Orthodox Church and that the Church of Christ is more than a confession of every member of the so-called “World Council of Churches’ in part;
  • -enshrine mixed-marriages (with heretics) through the false stewardship;
  • -enshrine Ziziulas Ionannis’s concept about the “human person”:
  • Anathema!
  1. Theosophists, Mormons, Masons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Sergians, Gnostics, Neo-Marxists:
  2. The heresy of the papal primacy and any form of papism or semi-papism introduced into the system of
    Orthodox synodal collegiality (which has its origins in the way the apostles gathered fraternally in the Synod
    of Jerusalem), heresy proliferated today especially by the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Anathema!
  3. To the heretical theology “Primus sine paribus” expressed in the anticanonical “Tomos of Autocephaly”
    granted by the Patriarchate of Constantinople to the schismatic Ukrainian construct of Epiphany Dumenko
    and his pseudo-synod, Anathema! Tomos of Autocephaly, Anathema! To Epiphany Dumenko and his
    pseudo-synod, Anathema!
  4. All heretics: Anathema!
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Biserica Ortodoxă este universală - Blog personal al Părintelui Matei Vulcanescu