Cessation of Commemoration

Cessation of Commemoration

The Parish of St. Edward the Martyr and St. Paraskevi of Rome together with Father Matthew Vulcanescu ceases commemoration of the heretical bishop Silouan Oner and communion of all ecumenists

With great sorrow and in all humility, I, the sinner, with pain of heart, address Your Eminence and all the Reverend Fathers of our Archdiocese...

Cessation of Commemoration

Official letter to His Eminence, Metropolitan Silouan Oner: we do not recognise and do not accept the deposition.

With reference to the letter of Your Eminence,[1] dated 23 December 2023, my humbleness would like to respond that all that we have written in our letter of cessation of commemoration...

The “Holy and Great Council” of Crete

The “Holy and Great Council” of Crete

The „Holy and Great Council” of Crete attacks the Synodality of the Orthodox Church

Through the false “Holy and Great” Council of Crete 2016, the synodal structure of the Orthodox Church has been replaced by the authority of a sole primate ...



The Synodikon of Orthodoxy 2022

This Sunday is called the “Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy (Orthodoxy – right worship and glorifying of God) over all heresies; which are wrong opinions of demonic inspiration in collaboration with the pride and self-opinion of some Christians


Historical Approach To The Context Of The Dialogue With The Non-orthodox The Toronto Statement

This lecture was presented at the Inter-Orthodox Conference organized by the Initiative Committee of the Conference «St. John’s Readings» of the Ancient Church of Saint George (The Rotunda) of Sofia


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