The ecumenism was also commended by the Pan Orthodox Synod from Moscow in 1948.
“In view of the fact that: the aims of the ecumenical movement which have expressed themselves in the organization of the Ecumenical Council of Churches with the ultimate goal of organizing an ‘ecumenical church’ on the present stage do not correspond to the Christian ideal and the aims pursued by the Church of Christ as understood by the Orthodox Church […]
The Consistory of the Primates and Representatives of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches, noting the present state of affairs and prayerfully calling upon the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, has decided: To communicate to the Ecumenical Council of Churches in response to the invitation received by all of us to participate as members in the Amsterdam Assembly, that all the local Orthodox Churches participating in the present Consistory are obliged to renounce their participation in the ecumenical movement on its present form”
The signatures follow:
Humble Alexei, by the mercy of God Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
Venerable Calistratus, Catholic Patriarch of Georgia
Humble Gabriel, Patriarch of Serbia
Humble Justinian, by the mercy of God Patriarch of Romania
Humble Stephen, Exarch of Bulgaria
Metropolitan Elijah of Lebanon
On behalf of the Church of Antioch Metropolitan Elijah of Lebanon, Metropolitan Alexander of Emesa, On behalf of the Church of Alexandria, ibidem
On behalf of the Autocephalous Orthodox Orthodox Church of Poland, Most Reverend Timothy, Archbishop of Bielostok
On behalf of the Albanian Church, Bishop Paisios of Koritei
Exarch of the Moscow Patriarchate of Czechoslovakia, Elefterie Archbishop of Prague
Ioniță, Viorel, Presbyter Prof. Dr. Hotărârile Întrunirilor Panortodoxe Din 1923 Până În 2009: Spre Sfântul şi Marele Sinod al Bisericii Ortodoxe [The Decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Meetings From 1923 to 2009: Towards the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church] (in Romanian). Basilica, 2013
Biserica Ortodoxă este universală - Blog personal al Părintelui Matei Vulcanescu