An ecumenical dialogue

By pr. Matei Vulcănescu -
3 years ago
Fr: – with triple submersion
Lady: Oh yes
Fr: And it’s better when …, because many of us are baptized when we are little
Lady: And we don’t know. When you are older you make your own decision.
Fr: Exactly! So now when you make your own choice, and understand that your baptism was just a simbol, but now you go into real Baptism, with the Holy Spirit, with fire and water . And this is happening, where is this happening ? In this Church: That means the Ortodox Church that has the icons. See how everything is linked?
Lady: Good! Very good! Excellent! Lovely to meet you!
Fr: God enlighted you to find the path of Orthodoxy and be baptized Lady: But I already am Fr: No you are not.
Lady: Was I baptized in the wrong place?
Fr: You are not baptized. You will be baptized when you become orthodox.
Lady: I went to Israel and go in the river.
Fr: And it was an orthodox priest that baptized you ?
Lady: No. Was the bishop of Church of England.
Fr: You see? Noooo.. They have no grace. They have no grace. There is no grace outside the Church.
Lady: I should tell him.
Gentleman: We’ve wasted our time. We needed this gentleman to come and tell us.
Lady: You must come and give a talk (inaudible)
Fr: Yes
Lady: All education is this . It is !
Fr: Nice to talk to you!
Lady: Thanks for saying these things
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