I ceased the commemoration of the ecumenist bishop, Metropolitan Silouan Oner, on the 20th December 2023 with the full agreement of all the members of the parish, and it was brought to the knowledge of His Eminence and to the public attention on the 21st December 2023. Following this, on the 23rd December 2023, I received a false deposition from His Eminence, in which He admits that He is accused of heresy and that the cessation of commemoration was brought to His knowledge on the 21st December 2023. This deposition is canonically invalid. I continue to serve the Holy Liturgy and perform all of my priestly ministry in the Antiochian Orthodox Church. We remain in the Antiochian Orthodox Church.
Biserica Ortodoxă este universală - Blog personal al Părintelui Matei Vulcanescu